10 Things I Will Not Buy in 2021

I have seen a few “Top Ten Things I Will Not Buy” lists showing up lately on my YouTube subscriptions or on blogs that I frequent. Have you ever tried creating one? I have never considered reflecting on what I would prefer not to buy for the upcoming year but I am open to trying out new strategies around minimalism—and I do value trying to practice mindful spending habits. So, let’s go with this! I can report back to you in a future post if something good comes from identifying and committing to areas of no spending. Sound good? Interested?

Now, to the list!


  1. Art. My particular home design aesthetic tends to be “minimalist cozy.” I am not sure if that is an official style but I claim it as my description! While I enjoy hanging meaningful art and photography and I currently have select pieces in my home, I do not feel an inclination to fill in empty spaces on our walls. If anything, I enjoy the simplicity of less. I am feeling content enough to not look into any additional art this year.

  2. Casual/Dress Shoes. While I may need to buy a pair of athletic shoes this year, I am good to go otherwise. I own three pairs of sandals for warmer months — and two pairs of casual booties along with one pair of hiking boots for the colder months. I also own some Birkenstock slippers that have been COZY “all-stars” this year. I’m good with shoes.

  3. Paper Goods/Aluminum Foil/Storage Bags. I have now entirely replaced paper plates, napkins, and cups for reusable options that I use every day. When we do host outdoor gatherings and the numbers are higher (this happens once or twice a year), I will look for earth-friendly paper goods options. I believe in a good quality exception. I have also shifted to using reusable storage bags (mine are by Russbe but these are similar) and using my Silpat mat (instead of aluminum foil) to cover food to cook or chill in the refrigerator.

  4. Cozy Blankets. I invested in a couple of new blankets this year. Now, we have a few throws downstairs where we gather to watch a show and a few upstairs in the family room. It is such a comforting feeling to have warmth and softness within reach!

  5. Makeup. I have been wearing less makeup this past year so my supply remains high. I am a simple girl but what I have, I love and use. Tinted moisturizer. Cream blush. Mascara. Lip gloss. And get this new addition— an eyebrow brush! How fancy! I am regularly tempted by new lip glosses or lip balms so I think it will be helpful to move into only replacing used-up items for now.

  6. Extra Skin Care. If I have a weakness in my spending, it is in this area. I love to try out new natural or organic products from BeautyCounter or The Honest Company or Primally Pure. In the past, I would order new moisturizers or serums before having finished what I already had! The promise of a new product can feel so real! So for this year, I have decided to stick with my current routine as I am satisfied with it. I may need to replace what I am using when I run out, but I am not going to add anything new for the year. This will be so good for me so I am leaning in hard to this one!

  7. Furniture. The furniture in our home is accessible, well-used, and cozy. Yes, I could get into a mindset of trying to trade out older pieces (some over fifteen years old) for an updated or more functional look but our pieces do meet our needs and seem to be holding up well.

  8. Perfume. I normally wear one or two fragrances at a time. I have made an effort to support clean and organic fragrances that I switch up according to the season. Can you tell that I love smelling lovely things? During the spring and summer months, I like to choose fresh fragrances that are a bit lighter. For fall and winter, I gravitate toward the gourmand or earthier (woody) notes. Luckily, I have a leftover perfume from last year to bring back out in 2021. I am committed to using up what I already have before investing in anything new.

  9. Exercise clothes. I have intentionally built a workout capsule wardrobe over the past few years. I can’t tell you how happy I am with the results! My separates work for all four seasons here in Salt Lake City. I have the thicker leggings for cold weather. I have a number of layering options. I have tank tops and running shorts. It really is a glorious feeling to be able to grab clothes and go! If you would like me to share more on this in an upcoming post, just let me know in the comments section! Because I have what I need, I will not be looking to add to my options this year.

  10. Books. Full confession? This commitment begins now as I did buy three books this year already. Ha! And you know what? I am not sorry! I bought Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration, and The Power of Now. The reason? I really wanted to underline and fully process these books in a way that my Kindle just doesn’t provide for me. Having said that, owning my Kindle has allowed me to move away from buying books, in general. Instead, I can download most of what I want from my local library. Still, I think it will be a nice challenge to formally focus on not buying any other books this year.

  11. Bonus! Cleaning Products. I have shifted toward making my own cleaning products using simple ingredients like white vinegar, baking soda, Castille soap, and fresh lemons. Many people add essential oils for an additional kick of pleasure! I bought a glass bottle or two so that I could make my own counter spray and toilet cleaner. It is all I have needed so why entertain the option of Mrs. Meyers right now?

A Reflection: I must say that going through this process of making an actual list of areas where I don’t want to spend money has been an interesting exercise. I did notice a few areas on this list where I have a tendency to feel the allure of something new or different before using up what I already have (read—personal care products here). Now, that is just good to know. Overall, I can see how this strategy may appeal more to people who appreciate having structure, focus, and accountability—but I also see how this exercise is only as valuable as we make it. I am excited to commit! As I said, I will report back!



The Joy List


Aging Well